What does The Golden Rule mean to you?

As I’m working through some of my project goals for 2011 – yes, I’m working today! – I’d love to get some feedback from readers. (This is something I’ll be doing throughout the year, so get ready to share!)

What does the phrase “Do unto others as you would have done unto you” (also known as The Golden Rule) mean to you? And does it have to have a religious aspect to be successful?

2 Replies to “What does The Golden Rule mean to you?”

  1. For me this is like Karma, if you are nice to someone, it comes back to you 10 fold. But if you are mean, it also comes back to you 10 fold.
    I really don’t think it had anything to do with religion, but I really believe it got everything to do with Karma, what you give it’s what you get X10.

    1. Karma, technically, is a religious concept. In Hinduism, for example, the consequences of one’s actions or deeds in this life are doled out by god. In other Indian religions, it’s “reap what you sow” as you strive for total enlightenment. In some it also has to do with receiving in your next life the consequences of what you sowed in this life. See, it all ends up religious one way or another, LOL! That’s what makes writing about this so interesting!

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